With Luma, learning is simple. The right tools, the right answers, when you need them.
Luma tailors your learning experience based on your grade, subject, and language.
Luma’s educational resources are CAPS-aligned, ensuring that learners always get the right answers.
Once you’ve downloaded study materials on Luma, they’re there to stay, available whenever you need them.
Save Luma’s number or click here to start a chat on WhatsApp.
Ask Luma anything, from homework questions to study help.
Get past papers, summaries and notes, all delivered instantly.
Use Luma’s tools to study smarter, prepare for tests, and expand your knowledge anytime.
At Luma, we believe a student’s success is shaped by the support around them. That’s why we work closely with students, teachers, and parents to create the best learning experience possible. By empowering all three, we give students the tools they need to thrive.
Luma supports students by offering notes, past papers, and personalised answers tailored to their unique needs. It empowers them to learn at their own pace and reach their academic goals.
Luma provides teachers with trusted, CAPS-aligned content and tools, simplifying lesson planning and empowering them to feel confident and prepared for every lesson.
Luma provides parents with the tools and resources they need to actively support their child's education. With better communication and access to learning materials, parents can guide their children through their academic journey.
We'll get right to the point: we’re asking you to help sustain Luma Learn. As a nonprofit, we rely on support from people like you. If everyone reading this gives R40 (or $2) monthly, we can continue providing quality education at an incredibly low cost to students who need it most. Your support ensures that thousands of learners have access to the resources they need to succeed.
Luma is supported through partnerships, sponsorships, and donor contributions, allowing us to keep costs low for learners while providing access to quality educational resources.
Yes. Luma can teach you in any language you’d like. We are still improving Luma everyday. We have a team called the Luma Testers. These people test Luma everyday and send us feedback.
All you have to do is ask Luma for the past paper you want and Luma will send it to you. It is as easy as that!
This means your account has been banned or Luma is under maintenance. We are always making new changes to improve Luma. But if the issue continues, please message this number.
Yes! Luma IEB will be launching soon. Stay tuned for updates and be the first to join the waiting list!
If your account gets deactivated that means you have been using Luma for something inappropriate. You can click here to submit your number and we will review the case.
Luma Learn is for everyone.
Whether you’re in a private or public school, Luma ensures every child has access to quality education.
It’s a platform designed to be accessible to all.
If you or your family can contribute, consider paying it forward. Your support helps keep costs low for those who need it most and drives the development of cutting-edge tools, ensuring South African learners benefit from the best educational technology.
Together, we can make education truly accessible. A small gesture can change everything.
This basically means we have just launched our new website 🎉 so we are still testing and improving it 👨💻
If you see anything that isn't working properly or you think could look better 👀...
Please tell us about it here: